go trojans!
Owosso High School
Announcements and Important Events
Posted 3.0 years ago @ 3:12PM
Incoming and Returning Owosso High School Athletes, please make sure you get your updated Sports Physicals for the 23-24 school year. Your sports physical MUST be dated ON 4/15/23 or later.
Owosso High School Athletics and Owosso Middle School Athletics will be transitioning to Big Teams Student Central for Athlete Registration very soon. All returning athletes and their families will have Student Central accounts set up on their behalf. More details and tips to come. Please monitor this site for additional announcements or visit the OHS Athletics Facebook page. We are working with Big Teams Student Central to make this transition as clear and user-friendly as possible.
The features of Student Central are as follows:
*Athlete Registration
*Handbook Acknowledgements
*Concussion Consent Form
*Sports Physical Upload and Tracking